
Makoto Isihara

Lecture Introduction to natural science
Research Interests
My specialty is physical chemistry, in particular, a field called theoretical chemistry. I have studied fundamental things about molecular electronic structure theory. I am trying to analyze some simple models of molecular electronic structure in various ways.
How to teach
Please do not be worried, though it may sound suffocative when you heard "to understand the meaning of natural science and the characteristics of its method and to grasp the fundamental features of modern image of nature." No preliminary knowledge is assumed at all. This lecture may be a reckless attempt to explain "What is natural science and what is nature?" plainly. Please to think and to feel.
Hobby & principle
I had many hobbies. Classic music is my favorite. I love to listen to it and to play piano, though I can hardly practice these few years.
The principle of my family is simply "fair."
Messages to all the students
Please try to devote yourself to learning, at lease, once in your life, whatever you intend to do in your future. I sincerely hope that you turn your young passion to learning and spread yourself.
